The body is an interconnected series of segments that assist each other in standing, sitting, and walking. These include the Head, Spine, Rib Cage, Pelvis, Upper, and Lower Extremities.
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To better grasp what is happening with your posture it may become necessary to better understand ‘your’ anatomy. Each body region provides an important role in integration.
Each heading below is a link to a page that will provide further information.
The neck offers the greatest variety and range of movement of all the spinal regions. Nodding, side bending, and rotation of the head and neck is possible due to the shape and sizes of its vertebrae. Good posture here heavily influences the position and function of the head and neck.
The Shoulder Girdle sits atop the rib cage with its only joint attachment between the clavicle and the Sternum (at the front) – allowing for limited movements in all directions.
The position of the rib cage and spine impact on how well the shoulders settle and affect what is occurring above – specifically the head and neck.
Improving posture requires the alignment of the thorax with the head above and the pelvis below.
Balancing the muscles of the front and back of the torso will lead to ease of sitting and standing alignment.
The spine can be considered the central column of the body with the major segments – the Head, Rib Cage, and Pelvis connected to each other via the spine.
How well we go about our daily activities is centered on the premise that a free and balanced pelvis will minimize injury and stress within, above, and below the pelvis.
Whether running to the bus, playing ball, or just bending down to put on your shoes, the knee is always required to complete a range of complex movements, usually within milliseconds of each other – and often with the full weight of the body from above.
The foot and ankle provide a significant posture support role. Whether standing, walking, or running, we rely on a responsive relationship from the ground up.