
Finding Your Base of Support: The Foundation Of Health And Posture.

The base of support is the foundation on which your body stands. It is also the foundation of your health and posture. For example, your feet are designed to provide a stable platform that distributes weight evenly. Still, many people don’t know how to do this correctly. This article will delve into what the base of support means for you, why it’s essential, and how you can find it in order to have better health!

The base of support is the foundation on which your body stands. It is also the foundation of your health and posture.

What do we mean by better support from below?

Developing a stable base of support is important

When we traditionally consider the base of support, we describe the relationship of feet to the ground and its impact on all body regions above it. In theory, the larger the support base, the greater stability you will experience. For example, watch a wrestler stand with feet apart and bent at the hips. This wide stance provides support and strength for any possible movement required. On the other end, you have the example of someone balancing on one leg – like a stork. This base of support will be narrow and consequently relatively unstable.

In this new context, however, the area we use to describe the ‘Base of Support’ can also extend to our feet, hands, head, or any other part of our body that makes contact with the ground – with the goal to create support and overall stability.

A stable base encompasses your feet and allows your body to evenly distribute weight bearing through your base, supporting all joints and limbs. Your base also impacts how you stand and walk, so athletes like runners or dancers need to be mindful of their base.

If you notice that you’re shifting weight around while standing or walking or if there is an uneven distribution of pressure on different areas while standing, then it’s likely that your base isn’t completely stable and needs work adjusting to distribute weight more evenly throughout the skeleton.

As you can see, the support from below is significant for health and posture.

How can you find your base of support?

Base of support comes in many sizes.

You can find your base of support by recognizing the weight distribution of your body and allowing for equal distribution. This support should be felt from the hips all the way down to your feet. Suppose you are feeling off-balance or notice a shift in weight. In that case, it may mean something wrong with your base that needs work adjusting to distribute weight more evenly throughout your skeleton.

Figuring out how to find this base can take some time, though! If you spend a lot of time sitting, it can be more difficult to feel where your base is and what that means for weight distribution. Getting up frequently, stretching, or practising yoga are excellent ways to get in tune with your base of support and distribute pressure evenly throughout!

What happens with a wider base of support?

Wide base of support

A wider base of support can help reduce balance issues and the risk of tripping unexpectedly. In addition, with a wider base, you can provide a stable platform that distributes weight evenly.

When your base is broader, you can support more weight without physical stress. This makes it easier to carry large objects or walk with a backpack for longer distances since the load will be distributed evenly through each point of contact on the body.

However, having too wide of a base can also have negative consequences. For example, someone with too wide of a base might move less efficiently or have more trouble making quick movements since they’re not used to instability. Additionally, having a wider base can make it harder to balance in some cases.

How can lack of support from below have an impact throughout the body?

Everything has to adapt to an unstable base of support

As we’ve discussed, your base of support is essential for distributing weight evenly throughout the body. However, when this base is unstable or not in alignment, it can cause pain and discomfort in other parts of the body.

For example, if you’re struggling to find your base of support, you may notice that you’re constantly putting more weight on one side than the other.

This can lead to knee, hip, and back pain, as those areas always bear more weight than they should be.

In addition, an unstable base of support can also lead to poor posture, which can cause even more pain and discomfort in the long run.

So how can you ensure that your base of support is stable and in line?

Try to keep your weight evenly distributed when standing or walking. This will create a more stable foundation.

Try to keep your feet hip width apart

There are a few things you can do to help find and maintain a stable base of support: 

  • Make sure your feet are parallel when standing. This will provide more stability. 
  • When squatting, make sure that your heels stay in contact with the ground at all times. If they start to lift up, you’re no longer in a squatting position and are putting more pressure on the front points of your base of support. 
  • Try to keep your weight evenly distributed when standing or walking. This will create a more stable foundation. 
  • Practice some balance exercises! This will help improve your stability and alignment. 

How does your base of support affect athletes?

Having a solid base of support is vital for athletes, as it allows them to maintain good form and avoid injury.

When you’re running or dancing, for example, a stable base is essential to keep you upright and move in the right direction.

Conversely, a base that is too wide or unstable can, in certain circumstances, cause you to lose balance and fall.

A base of support that is too narrow, on the other hand, can also be dangerous. For example, when you’re playing soccer or football, and someone tackles you from behind, it’s essential to have a wide base for stability so your weight doesn’t end up in one area.

If your base is too small or unstable, this could cause you to break your fall dangerously, leading to injuries.

Can flat feet affect a stable base of support?

Flat feet can affect a base of support because it can be difficult to distribute their weight evenly. When someone has flat feet, they may not feel how support from below has been impacted. In addition, this uneven foot positioning may affect how the legs work together. As a result, they may not be able to distribute weight evenly. Orthotics can be a consideration if flat feet become an issue.

How can the base of support be improved?

Many people have trouble finding and maintaining their base of support because they don’t practice it or pay attention to when their base is out of alignment. This is especially true with the growing popularity of sitting at work all day, which can wreak havoc on your base of support.

Finding a recognized health care provider can assist you in developing the necessary awareness and strength. In addition, seeking professional assistance provides another layer in developing your stable base of support.

What base of support is best for children?

Base of support will vary depending on your activity

Young kids should be taught how to find and maintain a stable base of support early. This base will provide them necessary skills to distribute their weight evenly throughout their body, which means better posture!

When teaching young children, it’s also important to emphasize that they shouldn’t stand with their feet too close together or too far apart. A base with too wide a support can be just as dangerous as one that’s too narrow. The key here is making sure that their base feels stable throughout while also distributing weight evenly from left to right and front to back.

How does your base of support affect your posture?

The base is an excellent indicator of how well you stand and walk, which in turn impacts your overall posture!

Your base of support affects your posture in several ways.

First, your base needs to distribute weight evenly throughout your kinetic chain because this helps you maintain good posture and avoid injury. Second, having a solid base means that you will have better balance when standing or walking – and therefore, fewer falls. Finally, an unstable base can impact several sport and recreational activities.

The base is an excellent indicator of how well you stand and walk, which in turn impacts your overall posture! If there are imbalances or specific points aren’t touching the ground as they should be, it could lead to issues down the road. A strong base will provide grounding and support allowing your upper body to remain aligned for improved posture.

The base of support is also what tells us where our center of gravity lies, which affects how we move around in space as well as keeps us balanced when standing still!

How does gravity impact your base of support?

Gravity has a pretty profound effect on the base of support. In some cases, it counteracts weight-bearing forces and provides stability instead of destabilizing balance. It’s essential to be aware of how gravity affects your base and make necessary adjustments. For example, suppose you’re standing on an uneven surface. In that case, your base of support may shift to compensate for the imbalance, which can lead to falls or injuries.


Finding balance in motion

A base of support can also have a significant impact on how you move. It’s the base from which we push off to walk, run, dance, or move in any direction. If it is too wide or narrow, our motions will be compromised and potentially dangerous.

The base of support tells us where our center of gravity lies, which affects how we move around in space and keeps us balanced when standing still!

For both young and old a stable base of support, it’s also important to emphasize that you shouldn’t stand with feet too close together or too far apart. A base of too wide support can be just as dangerous as one that’s too narrow. The key here is making sure that your base of support is in the right spot for your specific activity.

What do we mean by motion?

A base of support will differ depending on need.

Motion is the movement of an object from one point to another. It can be linear or rotational. Linear motion is movement in a straight line, while rotational motion is when an object moves around an axis.

The base of support plays a significant role in motion because it dictates where you need to be to complete that movement.

If your base is too wide or narrow, your movement won’t adjust correctly and could lead to injuries.

Once again, children need to learn about their available support base during sports activities to understand this concept to move safely.

What does the base of support mean for your health?

A stable base helps to keep all joints and limbs in line, reducing wear and tear on the body and preventing pain or injury.

Finding a stable base can affect athletes

Our base of support means different things for different people. For athletes, it’s crucial to have a stable base to reduce the risk of injury. For pregnant women, protecting and strengthening the base is essential in preventing back pain. For elderly individuals, having a solid base can help prevent falls and injuries.

But, for everyone, having a strong base of support is important in maintaining good health.

A stable base helps to keep all joints and limbs in line, reducing wear and tear on the body and preventing pain or injury.

It also allows your body to move more efficiently without compensating in other areas. This can be extremely helpful for people who are trying to lose weight.

How does your base of support affect walking?

A stable base is fundamental during walking or running, as it provides a stable platform for the feet to push off from. This allows you to generate power and move forward without pausing between steps. When there’s an imbalance with this base, you’re likely to feel unstable while walking or running, which can increase your risk of injury.


The base of support is the foundation that we stand and walk on. It’s what tells us where our center of gravity lies, which affects how we move around in space and keeps us balanced when standing still!

A strong base will help to keep your spine in alignment and improve posture. However, if there are imbalances or specific points aren’t touching the ground as they should be, it could lead to issues down the road.

Our base of support is also what tells you where your weight-bearing forces are being distributed. So make sure to stay aware of any suspicions about imbalance happening at different stages in life.

Having a strong base of support is important in maintaining good health!

Thanks for reading!

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PostureGeek.com does not provide medical advice. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical attention. The information provided should not replace the advice and expertise of an accredited health care provider. Any inquiry into your care and any potential impact on your health and wellbeing should be directed to your health care provider. All information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical care or treatment.

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