
Shoulder, arm, and neck pain: How the Arm and Shoulder Can Influence Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common problem that many people experience at some point. While there are many potential causes of neck pain, one of the most overlooked is the arm and shoulder.

Neck and shoulder pain

Neck pain is a common problem that many people experience at some point. While there are many potential causes of neck pain, one of the most overlooked is the arm and shoulder.

This blog post will discuss how the arm and shoulder can create or contribute to neck pain. We will also provide tips on how to reduce or prevent neck pain.

Which muscles are involved?

Which muscles attach the arm to the shoulder?

muscles of the arm and chest
  • Pectoralis major
  • Pectoralis minor
  • Latissimus dorsi
  • Teres major
  • Teres minor
  • Deltoid
  • Supraspinatus
  • Infraspinatus
  • Subscapularis
  • Triceps
  • Biceps Brachii
  • Brachialis

These muscles attach the arm to the shoulder and help move the arm. However, they can also become tight and cause pain in the neck. In addition, poor posture, repetitive motions, or injury can lead to muscle tension and trigger points (knots) in these muscles. This can pinch nerves and cause pain to radiate from the shoulder into the neck or down the arm.

Which muscles attach the shoulder to the neck?

  • Trapezius
  • Levator scapulae
  • Rhomboids (major and minor)
Rhomboids are part of the posterior chain

These muscles attach the shoulder blade (Scapula) to the neck. They are responsible for stabilizing the shoulder and helping to move the shoulder blade. However, like the other muscles we’ve discussed, they can become tight and cause pain in the neck.

In addition, poor posture, repetitive motions, or injury can lead to muscle tension and trigger points (knots) in these muscles. This can pinch nerves and cause pain to radiate from the shoulder into the neck or down the arm.

Neck Pain: What Causes It?

Poor posture is a common cause of neck pain. For example, when you sit or stand in a slouched position, the muscles and ligaments in your neck have to work harder to support your head. This can lead to muscle tension and pain.

Poor Posture

Poor posture is a common cause of neck pain. For example, when you sit or stand in a slouched position, the muscles and ligaments in your neck have to work harder to support your head. This can lead to muscle tension and pain.

What posture changes can lead to the arm causing neck pain?

Several posture changes can lead to neck pain from the arm and/or shoulder. These include:

  • Rounded shoulders: This posture can cause the shoulder and neck muscles to become tight.
  • Forward head posture: This posture can strain the muscles and ligaments of the neck.
  • Slouching: Slouching is influenced by both Rounded Shoulders and Forward Head Posture. When you slouch, your head juts forward and your shoulders round. This puts a lot of strain on the muscles and joints of the neck, as they are not designed to hold this position for long periods. Additionally, you are more likely to experience headaches and fatigue when you slouch.
  • Shoulder Impingement: Shoulder Impingement can lead to limited range of movement in the shoulder. Which in turn require the neck to do more work. Leading to pain and discomfort.

Repetitive Motions

Repetitive motions, such as typing on a keyboard or using a mouse, can also lead to neck pain. In addition, these motions put repetitive strain on the muscles and tendons in your neck, leading to irritation and discomfort.

Muscle Tension

Muscle tension is another common cause of neck pain. When the muscles in your neck are constantly tense, they can become irritated and cause pain.

Joint Stiffness

Joint stiffness is another causative factor of neck pain. When your arms and neck joints are stiff, they can alter how you move. This can unintentionally put pressure on the shoulders and the neck, leading to pain.

Referred Pain

Referred pain in the neck describes pain originating from another body area and is felt in the neck. This type of pain is often caused by muscle tension or trigger points in other body areas, such as the shoulders or low back.

The Role of the Arm and Shoulder in Neck Pain

The arm and shoulder play a role in neck pain in several ways.

Structure dictates Function:

The muscles in the upper arm and shoulder attach to the bones in the shoulder. The position of these bones (the humerus, clavicle, and scapula) dictates the muscles’ function.

For example, if the shoulder is raised (as in a shrug), the trapezius muscle will contract to elevate the shoulder.

However, suppose the shoulder is protracted (as in holding a phone to your ear). In that case, muscles such as the pectoralis muscle will contract to bring the shoulder forward.

The position of these bones also dictates the range of motion for the muscles. For example, if the humerus cannot rotate properly, it will limit the range of motion for the infraspinatus muscle. This can lead to muscle tightness and pain.

The humerus, clavicle, and scapula also provide attachments for the ligaments and tendons in the shoulder. These structures help to stabilize the joint and allow for smooth movement.

However, if these bones are not in proper alignment, it can cause the ligaments and tendons to become overloaded. This can lead to pain and inflammation.

Tight muscles can pull on the bones and affect alignment:

The muscles in the upper arm and shoulder attach to the bones in the shoulder. If these muscles are tight, they can pull on the bones and affect alignment.

For example, if the pectoralis muscle is tight, it can pull the shoulder forward and down. This can lead to rounded shoulders and hunched posture.

This alignment problem can lead to pain in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. It can also contribute to headaches.

Tight muscles can compress nerves:

The muscles in the upper arm and shoulder can compress nerves. This can cause pain to radiate from the shoulder into the neck or down the arm.

For example, the supraspinatus muscle sits on top of the suprascapular nerve. If this muscle is tight, it can compress the nerve and cause pain in the shoulder and neck.

The arm and shoulder can also influence neck pain indirectly:

For example, if you slept in an awkward position and your arm is numb, this can cause you to change your posture. This change in posture can then lead to neck pain.

Additionally, holding your head in one position for too long (like when you’re working at a computer) can lead to neck pain.

This is because the muscles in the neck have to work harder to support your head. This can lead to muscle fatigue and pain.

Can rotator cuff injury lead to pain Arm, Shoulder, and Neck pain?

Rotator cuff muscles

Yes, rotator cuff issues can lead to neck pain. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that attach the shoulder blade (Scapula) to the upper arm bone (Humerus). These muscles and tendons help lift and stabilize the arm in the shoulder joint.

A rotator cuff injury can cause pain in the shoulder and neck. Additionally, rotator cuff problems can also lead to weakness and difficulty lifting the arm. You can also suffer from a torn rotator cuff which can cause even more pain.

Rotator cuff tears are often caused by repetitive motions or a sudden injury. If you have a rotator cuff injury, it is essential to seek medical attention to receive treatment and prevent further damage.

What else can cause shoulder pain?

The shoulders ball and socket joint allows it to create a wide range of motions. As a result, shoulder pain can be caused by several factors.

The shoulders ball and socket joint allows it to create a wide range of motions. As a result, shoulder pain can be caused by several factors.

There are several different types of shoulder pain. The most common types include:

  • Bursitis: Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa, a small sac of fluid that cushions the joint. Bursitis can be caused by overuse, injury, or infection. The bursitis symptoms include pain, swelling, and stiffness in the shoulder.
  • Tendinitis: Tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons. The tendons are the tissues that attach the muscles to the bones. Tendinitis can be caused by overuse, injury, or infection. The symptoms of tendinitis include pain, swelling, and stiffness in the shoulder.
  • Frozen Shoulder: Frozen shoulder is a condition that causes the shoulder joint to become stiff and painful. A frozen shoulder is often caused by an injury or overuse of the shoulder. The symptoms of a frozen shoulder include pain, stiffness, and a limited range of motion in the shoulder.
  • Arthritis: Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation of the joints. There are many different types of arthritis, but the most common type that affects the shoulder is osteoarthritis. Arthritis can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in the shoulder.
  • Dislocation: Dislocation is a condition that occurs when the bones of the shoulder joint are out of place. Dislocation can be caused by an injury or fall. The symptoms of dislocation include pain, swelling, and bruising in the shoulder.

If you are experiencing shoulder pain, it is important to seek medical attention so that you can receive treatment and prevent further damage.

Why does my neck hurt all the way to my arm?

Cervical Radiculopathy (Pinched Nerve)

One of the most common causes of neck pain is cervical radiculopathy, also known as a pinched nerve. This condition occurs when a nerve in the cervical spine is compressed or irritated.

Cervical radiculopathy can be caused by a herniated disc, bone spurs, or muscle strain. The symptoms of this condition include pain, numbness, and tingling in the arm or hand.

How can you prevent or reduce neck pain from the arm and shoulder?

You can do several things to prevent or reduce neck pain from the arm and shoulder. These include:

Maintaining a good posture: This means sitting up straight with your shoulders back and your head aligned over your pelvis. When standing, keep your weight evenly distributed on both feet.

Taking breaks: When you are engaged in a repetitive activity, such as typing on a computer, take breaks every 20 minutes to stretch your neck and shoulders.

Using proper ergonomics: This means using equipment designed to reduce strain on the muscles and joints. For example, using an ergonomic keyboard can help reduce the stress on your neck and shoulders.

Wearing comfortable shoes: Shoes too tight or having high heels can contribute to poor posture, leading to neck pain. Instead, wear shoes that provide good support and are comfortable to walk in.

How do you relieve neck and shoulder pain?

Massage shoulder release

There are several things you can do to relieve neck and shoulder pain. These include:

  • Applying ice: Ice can help reduce inflammation and pain. Apply ice for 15-20 minutes every few hours.
  • Using heat: Heat can help relax the muscles and reduce pain. Apply heat for 15-20 minutes every few hours.
  • Stretching: Stretching the muscles can help reduce muscle tension and pain.
  • Getting a massage: Massage can help relax the muscles and reduce pain.
  • Chiropractic care: Chiropractic care involves the manipulation of the spine and other joints. This can help reduce pain by relieving pressure on the nerves and muscles.
  • Physical Therapy: Physical therapy can help stretch and strengthen the muscles, which can then help reduce pain.
  • Taking over-the-counter pain medication: This can help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to relieve pain. This is typically only recommended for severe cases of neck pain that have not responded to other treatments.

When should I worry about neck and shoulder pain?

If you are experiencing neck or shoulder pain, it is important to see a doctor or other healthcare provider to determine the cause and develop a treatment plan. In some cases, neck or shoulder pain can signify a more serious condition.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, it may be necessary to seek medical attention:
  • severe pain
  • pain that persists for more than a few days
  • pain that radiates down the arm or into the head
  • numbness or tingling in the arm or hand
  • weakness in the arm or hand difficulty moving the arm or shoulder
  • loss of range of motion in the arm or shoulder
  • swelling or redness in the arm or shoulder

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor or other healthcare provider as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment from professional medical advice can help prevent serious complications.


Neck pain can be caused by a variety of things, from poor posture to repetitive activities. There are many ways to relieve neck pain, including using ice, heat, medication, and stretching.

If you are experiencing both your neck and shoulder pain, it is important to see a doctor or recognized health professional. They can help identify the cause of your pain and develop a treatment plan to reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.


PostureGeek.com does not provide medical advice. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical attention. The information provided should not replace the advice and expertise of an accredited health care provider. Any inquiry into your care and any potential impact on your health and wellbeing should be directed to your health care provider. All information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical care or treatment.

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