
Tensegrity: A Powerful Model for Better Posture

Tensegrity structures are designed to withstand loads on any combination of points or surfaces, using only tension and compression - avoiding the need for joints at all.

Tensegrity is a powerful but simple model for light, strong structures. Tensegrity typically refers to the structural system pioneered by architect/designer Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983). Tensegrity structures are designed to withstand loads on any combination of points or surfaces, using only tension and compression – avoiding the need for joints at all.

What is Tensegrity?

Tensegrity structure

Tensegrity is based on the principle that tension and compression are necessary to create a stable structure. Buckminster Fuller realized that the compression members of a structure can be replaced with tension members as long as an underlying system maintains the object’s integrity. This led him to develop the tensegrity structure composed of floating rods and cables in tension.

Tensegrity structures are called “tensional integrity” structures. Tensegrity is based on 3 principles:

  1. There must be continuous tension in all the cables (and catenary curves).
  2. Tension and compression members operate together.
  3. The whole structure must have tensile integrity that can be explained as rigidity with no mechanical joints, giving the structure integrity and stability.

Tensegrity as continuous tension

Tensegrity is a structural system that relies on continuous tension and compression. Its structures are designed to withstand loads on any combination of points or surfaces. In addition, the use of tension and compression provides a lightweight, strong structure.

A Tensegrity model is made up of 3 components:

  1. Tension elements (tendons),
  2. Compression elements (struts/beams) and the links that connect them to one another.
  3. Structures are stable because they intrinsically share the load across the system in a balanced manner.

Can the human body be considered a tensegrity structure?


Yes, the human body can be considered a tensegrity structure. As mentioned tensegrity structures are based on the principle that tension and compression are necessary to create a stable structure. Tension pulls on all system members, distributing the load evenly and preventing any single part from becoming overloaded. Compression occurs when two members are forced together, adding stability. By combining these principles, tensegrity structures can remain upright and resist collapse.

Tension is created by muscular contractions, gravity, or other actions that cause stretching in muscles and fascia. The human body maintains structural integrity by integrating opposing muscle groups to prevent anti-gravity movements from causing tensional loss.

Compression is the force created by a bone being crushed between two other objects or forces – it is essential to maintain Tension and Compression throughout the body to remain balanced.

This Tensegrity structure is a simple one, but it demonstrates how it may works. Tensegrity can be used as an example for all structures in the human body by considering the joints as compression members that are “penetrating” the Tensegrity structure, and the muscles and fascia as tension members that keep Tension and Compression in balance.

Tensegrity and the Spine: The Backbone of Structural Balance

The spine is an extraordinary example of tensegrity at work within the human body, serving as the central axis of our structure. This complex column of vertebrae, intervertebral discs, muscles, and ligaments embodies the principles of tensional integrity, allowing us to stand upright, bend, twist, and move with remarkable flexibility and strength. Understanding the interplay of tensegrity within the spine can shed light on the importance of maintaining spinal health for overall posture, movement, and well-being.

The Spinal Structure: A Balance of Tension and Compression

Tensegrity as a support for the spine

The spine comprises a series of bones (vertebrae) separated by intervertebral discs, creating a natural series of compression elements. The vertebrae, acting as the compression members, are stacked to provide the rigid, supportive structure necessary for our bodies to bear weight and perform complex movements.

Interspersed between these bony structures are the intervertebral discs, which absorb shock and allow for the flexibility and mobility of the spine. These discs contribute to the tensional aspects of the spine, enabling it to flex, extend, and rotate without compromising its structural integrity.

Muscular and Fascial Networks: The Weavers of Stability

Surrounding the spine is a network of muscles and fascia, which act as the tension elements in this tensegrity model. These soft tissues work together to maintain the spine’s alignment and distribute forces evenly across the structure. The deeper intrinsic muscles of the spine, such as the multifidus and the rotatores, provide fine-tuned stabilization, ensuring that each segment of the spine is supported and aligned. The more superficial muscles, like the erector spinae, generate the larger forces needed for movement and posture.

This balanced interplay between the tension of the muscles and fascia and the compression of the bones and discs allows the spine to function as a dynamic, resilient structure capable of withstanding the various stresses placed upon it daily.

Maintaining Equilibrium: The Key to Spinal Health

The concept of tensegrity within the spine highlights the importance of maintaining a balance between the tension and compression forces. An imbalance can lead to undue stress on certain parts of the spine, potentially causing pain, dysfunction, and a decrease in the spine’s ability to absorb and distribute forces.

Practices that promote spinal health, such as regular exercise, proper ergonomics, and activities that enhance core stability, contribute to maintaining this crucial balance. These approaches ensure that the muscles and fascia remain strong and supple, providing the necessary tension to counterbalance the compressive forces of the bones and discs.
Moreover, mindful movement and body awareness can help recognize and correct postural habits that may disrupt the spine’s tensegrity.

By understanding the principles of tensegrity as they apply to the spine, individuals can adopt a proactive approach to spinal health, ensuring that this vital structure remains stable, flexible, and resilient throughout their lives.


As a central pillar of the human body, the spine exemplifies the principles of tensegrity, illustrating how a balance of tension and compression is essential for structural integrity and function.

Recognizing the spine as a tensegrity structure offers valuable insights into maintaining spinal health and preventing injury, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all body parts in maintaining posture and facilitating movement.

Through the lens of tensegrity, the spine is not just a series of bones but a dynamic, adaptable system that reflects the harmony and balance inherent in our bodies.

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From Form to Function

The Tensegrity model is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it is also incredibly functional. Tensegrity structures are found in nature all around us- from the cells of our bodies to the bones in our skeleton. The model is an excellent way to understand how our bodies work and can be used as a tool for improving our posture.

When we understand how Tensegrity works, we can use that knowledge to improve our posture. Tensegrity structures are under constant tension and compression, which creates a solid and stable foundation. This stability is what allows Tensegrity models to be so light and strong. When we apply these principles to our bodies, we create a solid foundation for good posture.

Tensegrity supports the body’s weight, bones, joints, and muscles by balancing pressure between muscles along the spine. This creates a lighter load on the skeletal system, decreases pain in joints, and allows muscles to work more efficiently to move the body.

Improved Tensegrity equals Improved Posture

Using Tensegrity as a model for our bodies, we can build a stronger and healthier body. Tensegrity structures support their weight by balancing pressure from muscles along the spine. This creates a lighter load on the skeletal system, decreases pain in joints, and allows muscles to work more efficiently.

Integration gives us flexibility, freedom of movement, and a more upright posture. Tensegrity also decreases our chances of injury, as structures are stronger and lighter. Tension supports the muscles that hold us upright, giving us better posture and reducing fatigue from carrying or supporting weight. Tensegrity improves strength by balancing pressure between opposing muscles, creating a well-supported body that is less prone to injury.

How does tensegrity structure work?

Tensegrity has two components: Tension and Compression, both necessary for stability. 

Tensegrity structures are robust and stable because tension and compression are distributed throughout the system. Tension pulls on all system members, distributing the load evenly and preventing any single part from becoming overloaded. Compression occurs when two members are forced together, adding stability. By combining these principles, tensegrity structures can remain upright and resist collapse.


Tension is the pulling forces created by muscular contractions, gravity, or other actions that cause stretching in muscles and fascia. Tension should occur evenly throughout the body to maintain structural integrity from head to toe. Tensegrity promotes proper balance by relaxing and lengthening muscles to allow greater tension distribution. 

Tensegrity also aids in the maintenance of tension during all planes of motion. Integrating opposing muscle groups, particularly core muscles, prevents anti-gravity movements from causing tensional loss.


Compression is the force created by a bone being crushed between two other objects or forces. It is essential to maintain Tension and Compression throughout the body to remain balanced and let tension be able to do its job.

How does tensegrity work on the body?

The Tensegrity posture model has five main characteristics: support, balance, stability, pressure (joint compression), and space for movement.

Tensegrity can be seen in nature – it’s all around us! Tensegrity works on the human body by supporting, balancing, and creating space. It helps keep the joints stable while allowing for motion – without relying on muscles to hold everything together.

Tensegrity is a good model for posture because it supports you against gravity. Tensegrity keeps the body stable with minimal muscular action. The tension between upper and lower limbs is balanced while creating space within your joints. With compression on some surfaces, tension on other surfaces, giving you room to move! Tensegrity allows for balance in all planes of movement.

The Tensegrity posture model has five main characteristics: support, balance, stability, pressure (joint compression), and space for movement.


Tensegrity supports every joint in the body, giving you a strong connection with gravity. It also protects our joints from damage by distributing pressure evenly throughout the joint – avoid stress on any area!

It can also support the body from within – pressure within the abdomen provides a sturdy “corset” for organs and a solid foundation to hold up your spine.


Balance is about evenly distributing weight throughout your skeletal structure. The Tensegrity model encourages core stability – which is balanced tension. In addition, tensegrity creates space within the joints, which gives you balance between opposing forces.


Think of Tensegrity support as a framework for Tension and Compression to give stability. Tensegrity provides compression on surfaces to create stability, such as in the spine, creating stability for your spinal cord and nerve roots. 

Tensegrity also keeps your joints stable and nerves safe by distributing pressure evenly across the surface of joints. Keeping body parts aligned, with minimal stress in any one area. 


There is also compression – compression within joints stabilizes bones, muscles, and ligaments with tension. 


Tensegrity allows for space within joints for muscles to work. Sports injuries are often the result of too much pressure on an unstable structure. It provides a sturdy foundation for bones to stay in place, muscles to move freely. Helping keep our bodies healthy and safe by creating space within joints – no stress on one part of the body! 

The pelvis as a tensegrity structure?

Pelvis is important in tensegrity structure

There is some evidence that the pelvis may be a keystone tensegrity structure. Tensegrity structures rely on balanced tension and compression to hold them together. The pelvis has an external skeleton (the bones), internal tension members (the muscles), and compression members (the ligaments). The muscles attach to the bones, and the ligaments attach the muscles to the bones. This creates a tensegrity structure that is stable and can withstand compression forces.

The pelvis also creates space for the femur to move in all directions and helps maintain balance in the body. Tensegrity encourages your center of gravity to stay near the pelvis and spine – keeping your whole body firmly on the ground! Tensegrity can be a valuable tool for improving posture and stabilizing joints, so we can move freely and enjoy our bodies.

How does fascia fit into the model?

Fascia (or Myofascia) plays an essential role in the tensegrity model, integral for posture and health. Fascia is the connective tissue that wraps around muscles and organs, providing support and protection. Tensegrity relies on the fascial system to maintain tension and compression throughout the body. Tensegrity via the fascial system also helps create space within joints, allowing movement and preventing injury.

Our body’s muscles, bones, and fascia branch out from muscle origins to insert on adjacent parts of their anatomy. These muscular chains develop tension by contracting moving loads arising from forces that couple individual segments in a functional unity, an elegant example of tensegrity. These structures are considered to have both compression and tension working against each other in the same structure. Tension is transferred via tendon, ligament or aponeurosis, while compression is transmitted via bone, fascia or cartilage.

Tensegrity and the myofascial system

Lines of transmission

Muscles are often thick bundles of fibers, bound together by connective tissue – Myo (Muscle) Fascial (Connective Tissue).

Tensegrity relies on the myofascial system to maintain tension and compression throughout the body. Tensegrity via the myofascial system also helps create space within joints, allowing movement and decreasing the risk of injury.

Tension is a pulling force created by muscular contractions, gravity, or other actions that cause stretching in muscles and fascia. Tension should occur evenly throughout the body to maintain structural integrity from head to toe while integrating opposing muscle groups prevents anti-gravity movements from causing tensional loss.

Compression is the force created by a bone being crushed between two other objects or forces. Tensegrity via the myofascial system also helps create space within joints, allowing movement and preventing injury. Tensing up the body’s fascial network during movement prevents some injuries and stabilizes joints allowing Tensegrity to be a valuable tool for improving posture and stabilizing joints, so we can move freely and enjoy our bodies.


Tensegrity is a valuable model for improving posture and stabilizing joints. The pelvis is a keystone tensegrity structure, and the fascial system plays an essential role in maintaining tension and compression throughout the body. Tensegrity via the myofascial system also helps create space within joints, allowing movement and decreasing the risk of injury. Tensegrity provides a model for the human body that supports good posture.


PostureGeek.com does not provide medical advice. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical attention. The information provided should not replace the advice and expertise of an accredited health care provider. Any inquiry into your care and any potential impact on your health and wellbeing should be directed to your health care provider. All information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical care or treatment.

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